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UP improved several places in the Quacquarelli Symonds European ranking

July 12, 2024

Several universities have improved significantly compared to the first European university ranking published in 2023, reports. The latest ranking was published by QS on 9 July, which included academic recognition, the proportion of teachers and students, appreciation of employees, sustainability and international cooperation. More than 684 higher education institutions from over 40 European countries were assessed, with UP improving 11 places compared to last year.

According to, 15 Hungarian universities were ranked in the European university ranking again this year. ELTE is ranked 190th by improving 18 places, followed by the University of Debrecen, improving 36 places, and the University of Szeged, improving 14 places. The Budapest University of Technology and Economics, ranked 238th in last year’s European university ranking, fell back slightly this year to the 247th place while the University of Pécs, the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Széchenyi István University of Győr, the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Óbuda University, and the University of Miskolc also improved their places. also shows the rankings of Hungarian universities:

  • Eötvös Loránd University – 190th
  • University of Debrecen – 222nd
  • University of Szeged – 228th
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics – 247th
  • University of Pécs – 314th
  • Corvinus University of Budapest – 370th
  • Széchenyi István University – 370th
  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – 433rd
  • Óbuda University – 485th
  • University of Miskolc – 496th
  • University of Pannonia – 498th
  • Pázmány Péter Catholic University - 556-600th
  • University of Sopron – 551st-600th
  • Eszterházy Károly Catholic University - 601+
  • Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church - 601+

ETH Zurich is on the top of the European ranking this year, dethroning Oxford University in England, which is ranked the third this time, and Imperial College London the second. In the Eastern European region, Charles University in Prague was again the top ranked university, while becoming the 79th in Europe, according to

