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Free access to hundreds of books, journals and images through CLINICALKEY

July 15, 2019

The University of Pecs Medical School has access to Elsevier’s rich ClinicalKey content, which can be accessed by all employees and students within the university network on every PC or mobile device (or through a free app).


Go to: while connected to university network.

The content can be accessed without logging in, but in order to use all functionalities, we advise to log in (if you already use other Elsevier platforms) or register (top right-hand corner of the screen).


  • Full-Text Books: Elsevier's world-renowned medical and surgical books, including Gray's Anatomy, Goldman's Cecil Medicine and Braunwald's Heart Disease
  • Full-Text Journals: top journals from Elsevier, including The Lancet and Mayo Clinic Proceedings
  • Thousands of images + videos
  • Clinical Overviews: succinct, easy-to-navigate monographs for quick answers at the point of care
  • Topic Pages: concise information about disease epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, treatments and more
  • Drug Monographs: comprehensive information about U.S. prescription drugs, herbal supplements, nutritional, vitamin and OTC products
  • Step-by-step procedural videos and articles to teach techniques or simply help clinicians refresh their skills
  • Practice Guidelines
  • Customisable Patient Education Handouts
  • MEDLINE® Abstracts
  • Clinical Trials